Saturday 23 May 2009

Getting the habit, or do I mean Who-bit?

I blame Davie. It's all his fault.

There, I'vc said it. :)

Up until a year ago, the only Dr. Who DVDs I had were the new series box sets.

Then Davie and the guys bought me "Genesis of the Daleks" for my birthday last year. That was that until later in the year when I bought "The Invasion" for myself cos I was curious about how the two missing episodes would look like in FLASH animation (pretty good as it happened).

Then, a month or so ago, I bought "Image of the Fendahl" because I'd such vivid memories of watching it on the TV when I was a kid.

And that was it - addicted. I bought the Sontaran boxed set cos it was going cheap (£20 for four stories). Then I got a couple more, then some more, then...

I think it's getting a wee bit out of hand... ;)

At last count, including the three I bought while I was in Glasgow earlier, I've got twenty.

Three from the First Doctor's (William Hartnell) era - "The Rescue", "The Romans" and "The War Machines".

One each from from the Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) - "The Invasion", and the Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) - "The Time Warrior".

A whopping eleven from the Fourth Doctor's (Tom Baker) time - "Robot", "The Ark in Space", "The Sontaran Experiment", "Genesis of the Dalek", "Planet of Evil", "The Brain of Morbius", "The Hand of Fear", "The Talons of Weng-Chiang", "Image of the Fendahl", "The Invasion of Time", and "Destiny of the Daleks".

Two Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) stories - "Four to Doomsday", and "The Five Doctors".

Three from the Sixth Doctor(Colin Baker) - "Attack of the Cybermen", "The Two Doctors", and "Revelation of the Daleks".

So far, no Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) and I've not seen the 1996 Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) TV movie going cheap.

It's a funny thing though, there's some stories I have no memory of - or only fragments.
Possibly that's because when I was young, my folks liked to "go for a run" in the car on a Saturday, taking me with them, getting me out in the fresh air and so on.

Sometimes, we wouldn't get home in time for Dr. Who - which would leave me somewhat grumpy - or the queue in the fish and chip shop would be longer than usual, leading to the same results.
Occasionally though, the tiny wee black and white telly in the chippy would have Dr. Who on, and I'd quite happily watch what I could while mum and I were waiting for the fish suppers. :)

Now, back when I was a kid - this is pre-video - the only way to catch the stories you'd missed (or were before your time) was either to hope that the BBC would repeat it during the "off" season, or read one of the novelisations.

But that's another tale for another day... :)

Oh, and Davie? If you read this, I was kidding... :D

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