Tuesday 1 September 2009


Memory is a funny thing.

As I mentioned in my first post, I have a very vivid memory of watching Jon Pertwee regenerate into Tom Baker at the end of "Planet of the Spiders" and of watching the following story "Robot" - but later stories are just blank spots.

Maybe mum thought Dr. Who was too scary for me?

Anyway - memory.

A funny thing happened last night. I was just getting ready to go to bed, when a song came on the radio - "The Big Area" by 80's Brit rockers Then Jericho. I honestly can't remember the last time I heard it played on the radio, and as I sat there listening the ol' neurons began firing...

I remembered the song featuring on the soundtrack of a late-80's sci-fi movie called "Slipstream" which starred Mark Hamill, Bob Peck and Robbie Coltraine (among others).

If memory serves, the song was about the best part of the movie. However, as one thing leads to another, more memories leapt to the surface...

There was a rather peculiar aircraft featured in "Slipstream" - the Edgely Optica. A curious looking plane that look like someone had stuck the bubble canopy of a helicopter onto a set of wings then bolted an engine onto the back.

I can remember seeing an Optica on the news, the story saying that several police forces were showing interest in the aircraft.
But then some fatal accidents grounded the entire fleet. Which was a bit of a shame I always thought, because it was a fantastic looking piece of machinery.

I hadn't thought about the movie, or the aircraft in donkeys years - and just hearing a song on the radio brought it all flooding back.

Think I'll hunt the movie down on DVD, see if it's as bad I remember... :)

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